Welcome to
St. Mark's Giving Garden.
Because of the many ways our Giving Garden has impacted our community, we have created this website to provide the tools for individuals or churches to create their own Giving Gardens and make a heartfelt difference in their communities.
This website is gratefully sponsored by the Roanridge Grant Trust through The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church USA
Growing Vegetables to Give Away to Those in Need
"Jesus answered, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine,
even the least of them, you did it to Me."
(Matt. 25:40)
Who We Are

St. Mark's Giving Garden is an outreach opportunity of St. Mark's Episcopal Church to the neediest in the Brunswick, GA downtown community by growing and giving away vegetables, fruits and herbs in the name of Jesus.
( Photo courtesy of The Brunswick News )
What We Do

Planting, weeding, harvesting, and mulching St. Mark’s Giving Garden offer participation for our parish family, young and old, to touch the disenfranchised with the tangible love of Jesus.
Where We Are Located

We are located in historic downtown Brunswick, GA, at 805 Monck Street, behind St. Mark's Day School and near
Gardens provide hope, joy, and peace.
Within the garden, there is an opportunity for community ministry in unexpected ways.
To find out more, read a feature story.
"The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies." Gertrude Jekyll

Need a Speaker?
Want help starting your Giving Garden?
We are available to travel and present a "How to Garden" program for individuals, groups, or schools.
Contact us with questions or special requests.
Want to Volunteer?
We welcome individual or group volunteers to help with gardening tasks. Let us know if your school club, youth group, or organization would like to volunteer or complete a service learning project with us.
Mailing Address: 900 Gloucester Street, Brunswick, GA 31520