How To Take Action and Attract Volunteers
Identify Potential Volunteers
Senior Adults
Church Youth Group
Local School Service Clubs or Groups
Advertise a Garden Workday
Post on website, social media, Sunday bulletin or
personal phone call.
Emphasize no experience necessary.
Bring hat, sunscreen and gloves.
For those unable to join Garden Workday publish
a list of new or used tools that can be donated.
Garden Work Day is Here!
How to Maximize Volunteers
Work in the Cool of the Day
Limit Volunteer Time to Two or Three Hours
Plan Ahead Garden Tasks for Varied Age Groups:
Pickup and Deliver Garden Supplies; Cleanup Site; Serve Refreshments; Organize Tools and Shed; Clean Tools, Spread Mulch, Weed, Till, Divide and Pot Plants; Paint Fence; Harvest Produce, Deliver Produce, Build Shed, Fence, Trellis or Pergola.
Feed the Troops!
Provide plenty of water
Snack Suggestions
Doughnuts or Bagels
Cookies or Brownies
Watermelon slices or fruit
Iced Tea
Lemonade or Gatorade
Publicly Thank the Volunteers
Important: Show your appreciation
and recognize their hard work.
Publish photos of your volunteers in your
Sunday bulletin, website or social media.